How to Build a Fintech App: Features & TechTrends

In other words, it’s the use of innovative technologies in the banking and financial sectors. Once your FinTech app is released, it’s important to keep track of user feedback and update the app accordingly. This will help ensure that your app remains a top-quality product that meets the needs of your users. This will help ensure that there are no glitches or errors that need to be fixed.

build fintech app

These apps focus on transferring money between accounts and bank cards, as well as storing banking details centrally to enable one-click payments and transfers. The convenience this kind of software offers has helped it gain popularity worldwide. Surprisingly enough, it’s easier to find a bank without a mobile app than without one. Django Stars has developed apps with these functions for several customers, including Saudi Investment Bank.

What is FinTech?

Thorough testing, API security, and payment blocking will also keep hackers at bay. As for the team structure, it is largely influenced by the same tech aspects we’ve mentioned above. To get a better handle on the fintech ecosystem, let’s go over the most popular types of fintech mobile apps.

Use biometric identification, fingerprint scanning, two-factor authentication, and fraud prevention tools to ensure end-to-end data protection. When you design a fintech app, you have to make sure that the interface can be customized to the needs of particular users. Some prefer lightweight, minimal views, while others opt for the maximum level of detail. These and other factors contributed to the unprecedented spike of investment activities in the fintech market throughout 2021. The combined total of investments in the fintech industry in Q1-Q reached a whopping 91.5 billion dollars, which is almost double that of all of 2020.

Digital banking

Moreover, the financial sector is highly susceptible to data breaches alongside rising data leak costs. To ensure security compliance, your fintech app must be integrated with robust authentication and authorization systems. Biometric and two-factor authentication are the go-to security options.

  • Hence it increases the scope of improvement and reduces the risk factors.
  • If you have to develop your app fast, reach for Flutter, a technology thanks to which you’ll make a single application that will work on multiple devices.
  • For example, it’s a good practice to require authentication when a user needs to perform sensitive operations, such as transferring funds or making payments.
  • When it comes down to it, the secret to success with a FinTech app is collaborating with the right people.
  • We at Orangesoft offer multiple engagement models to cover unique client needs.

Sanostro partnered with Django Stars in 2018 to turn their unique Matlab-based investment algorithm into a scalable web solution. The developer, MARMAZ DATATECH RESOURCES, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. So we conducted a Discovery stage, where we ran user tests and interviews with users, which helped us build an app that brings high value to the users. The more operations you will allow your users to complete without going to a brick and mortar bank, the more value your app will bring to them.

have a projectfor US?

It is always good to test your idea before beginning the lengthy development process. Hence it increases the scope of improvement and reduces the risk factors. After you determine your niche, it is time to decide on features for your fintech app. Too many options that aren’t required may end up confusing your clients and make your fintech app complicated.Also, you must estimate your budget before beginning the development process. Budget constraints in the later stages of development can slow down the process.

build fintech app

To ensure a positive customer experience and win brand loyalty, fintech apps must present information in a user-friendly manner. Because customers can choose among many fintech apps that largely provide the same set of capabilities, brand loyalty is a key aspect of retaining customers and ensuring long-term product success. Nonetheless, knowledge of the market and trends is essential for conducting new product feasibility research and planning fintech mobile app development. Artificial intelligence is beneficial in recognizing input data patterns and analyzing them.

Cost of Fintech App Development

Before launching your app, it is important to test it thoroughly to become bug-free and error-free. Once you have tested it properly, financial software developer you can easily launch it on any device or platform. These apps will help you track your budget, set savings goals, and save money.

Optical character recognition is another gem to include in your application. This technology allows users to scan their credit and debit cards with no manual keying. Card number scanning connects users’ payment details with the app’s functionality, thus encouraging customers to purchase more.

What are the Features of Fintech Apps?

To help them out, you can set an informational note hinting where the user can find the number. The development market is another critical factor that heavily influences the cost. According to, the average hourly rate for hiring a flutter app developer in the NewYork is $46.13, while in Atlanta, the rate slightly goes down to $41.

The technology stack sets particular restrictions on the way you implement the software. Answering the question of “How to build a fintech app,” the tech stack should also be thoroughly considered. We’ve already described what innovative trends fintech software includes, and now we need to find out what languages can handle this purpose on the highest level.

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